
Hi, I’m Foster Powell.

You have found your way to my blog. I’m going to be creating long-form content here, which I fear goes against the grain of most of the short-form content on the internet these days.

(This is what I looked like in 2019)

I have always loved reading other people’s blog posts, and it’s something I miss about the internet from a few years ago as opposed to the internet of now. But it wasn’t until the last year or so when I started having ideas for articles I could write that I began to think about putting them all in one place for people to read.

If you like reading this stuff, I’d love to hear about it. The comments are turned on.

If you want to know more about me, here’s the short version:

I’m a songwriter, hence why most of the writing here is going to be on music. I have a BA in nothing in particular, but I did study music composition in college. I’m working on an album, which you’ll probably hear about in some of these posts. I currently live in a cottage next to a horse barn in the woods of Vermont.